Ladybug Crafts

Ladybug (styrofoam ball)

- 2 inch Styrofoam balls (Use only one half)
- Black pipe-cleaners (4 inches long (6 legs/2 antenna)
- Red See-through wrapping paper (often used for food
- Red and Black Markers
- Glue or straight pins depending on age of children
- Cut styrofoam balls in half (2inch)
- Colour round half ball
- black head, red body with black dots
- Attach 6 legs along flat bottom (3 per side)
- Attach 2 antennas at top of head
- Cut 2 semi- circles (2") for wings from
See-through gift wrap. Attach to the body with glue or straight pins, just below the

Ladybug (paper plate)
- 6 inch plain white paper plates
- Red Crayons
- Black Craft Paper
- Adhesive squares used for scrap books or glue
- little squiggly eyes
- Glitter
- Colour the top of an upside down paper plate red
- Cut out Large circle for Head, small circles for
- Glue or use adhesive to attach small circles to the
back and then attach the head.
- Decorate with Squiggly eyes on head and glitter as

Ladybug (paper mache)

- Paper Mache
- Red and Black Paint
- Small (Head) and Large (Body) Margarine Container
- 2 Black Pipe Cleaners
- Tape two margarine containers together to form the base shape.
- Cover shape with Paper Mache and let dry
- Glue pipe cleaners for antenna's and curl
- Paint black head, red back and let dry
- Paint black spots

Lasted Updated: August, 1997
Copyright © 1995 1996 1997 by BRIGHT IDEAS Software.