Candy House
Have a Candy House
Decorating Party...make house ahead and invite
your friends to come and decorate |
Graham Wafer
Crackers 4 -
2"x4" crackers
2 - 2"x2" crackers
Works best with Crackers
roughly 2" x 4" or you will need to use
icing to hold them together for long walls.
Royal Icing |
Candies, Pine cones,...for
decorating (We use our
Halloween Candies, since we don't allow to much
of it to be eaten...Food Colouring Allergies)
Styrofoam Meat Trays covered
with Tin foil.
Icing Sugar
Make Houses
At least the day before assemble house.
Make a batch of Royal Icing.
Lay 2 longer crackers (2"x4")
down parallel to each other with 2 smaller cracker
(2"x2") between at each end. These will become
the walls.
Pipe a thick line of icing along the
short (2") sides of the longer walls. Attach the
smaller walls to the longer walls to form the house
walls. (Note the Icing is the glue).
Let dry about 1 hour.
Lay 2 long crackers (2"x4")
beside each other near the house walls.
Pipe a line thick of icing along the
top edge of the house walls above.
Pipe a thick line of icing along the
long edge of one cracker. Attach the other cracker to
form a V for the roof and place on the house walls. (Note
this is the hardest part. you might have to hold in place
for a minute or 2.
Let dry overnight.
Aside Note: Let kids
create their own House Patterns might have some very
interesting houses.
Decorate Houses
Make Royal Icing.
Decorate houses as desired.
Aside Note: To add that
soft fresh snow look -- Sift icing sugar lightly over the
decorated house/yard.