- Lemon
- Vinegar
- Strong Cheese
- Old Bananas
- Peeled Grapes (eyes)
- Spaghetti (guts)
- Corn Hair (hair)
- Carrot (finger)
- Liver (insides)
- Dunk for Apples
Fill a clean wide pail with water and add a layer of apples. With hands
behind your back, try to grab apple with your eat.
Pin the Hat or Broom on the Witch
Make a large Witch on poster paper and hang from door or wall. (Place cork
board or something to stick pin in behind and around the witch cutout)
Make a Hat or Broom to go on the Witch.
Blind folded and spun around once, try to pin the Hat/Broom on the Witch.
Musical Chairs to scary Music