Leaf Guide Book
- Collect fresh well shaped leaves.
- Lay the leaves flat between the
pages of a large book, or a newspaper then place
a book on top.
- Leave the leaves for about 3 days,
until they are dry and flat.
- Remove leaves from book or
newspaper carefully.
- Cut Wax Paper approximately 8 x 10
in. (you need to be able to fold with leaf inside
- one sheet per leaf).
- Fold wax paper in half (8 x 5 in).
- Place leaf inside the wax paper
(with fold of paper to the right and leaf facing
- Press leaf in wax paper with an
- Stack wax papers (with fold of
paper to the right).
- Use coloured craft paper (8 1/2 x
11) for the book cover, by folding in half.
- Insert the stack of wax papers
into the craft paper, so that the fold of the wax
paper is pointing out.
- Staple at the fold side of craft
paper to secure the leaves in the wax paper.
- Label pages of the leaf guide book
with the name of the leaves.
