Snowman Ideas
Snowman (Reuse Plastic Meat Tray)
- White Foam meat trays (Recycle) (Well cleaned
- Coloured paper or larger coloured meat tray for
- White felt or fabric stuffing
- Craft foam, felt, or coloured paper (for decoration)
- Wooden toothpicks
- White glue or Glue Gun (optional)
- Coloured photos from magazine or catalog
- Cut out 2 or 3 large circles to form the body of the
- Glue on to Coloured Stiff Paper (or larger coloured meat tray) to form the basic snowman
- Glue a little bit of white felt at the base of the snowman for snow
- Decorate the snowman with thin craft foam, felt or coloured paper, (hat,
- scarf, eyes, nose, buttons)
- Make corncob pipe out of wooden tool picks (two long together, two short together, join
at right angle at ends) glued
- Make head of broom from wooden tooth picks glued together and glue to a long strip of
felt for the handle handle (you may have to make these ahead and use glue gun)
- Add background, candy canes, trees, sled, skates, birds, kids... (cut out old Christmas
catalogs or magazines)
- Adjusts harder/easier based on the time and skill of your group.
Dollies Snowman
- Coloured Paper
- Paper Dollies
- Glue
- Glue Paper Dollies to a large sheet of coloured paper (2 or 3)
to form the snowman shape
- Cut coloured paper to form Eyes, Nose, Mouth and any other
items you would like (Hat, Scarf, Pipe, Arms....)
- Glue coloured paper onto picture are desired.

Lasted Updated:
January, 2010
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