Christmas Story Contest Winner
Category 2 (Ages: 6-8)
Lock (Age 6)
The Little Boy and the Wise Men
A little boy named Johnathen
lived beside a stable where a new baby was born and the
little boy saw an angel fly away. The little boy wondered
where the angel was flying to. The angel was going to ask
boys to come see the new born baby. The boys were named
John, Alex and Peter and they were shepherds.
The little boy Johnathen looked
out of his window and saw a new star and the shepherds.
He felt sorry for the new born baby. The wise men went to
follow the star on their camels. The wise men followed
and followed the star. They brought presents to the
stable for the baby and the little boy watched the angel
come back and when it was late the little boy watched to
see people and a donkey come to the stable.
The little boy was very lucky
to see the new born baby - the baby was named Jesus.