List of Plaques & Memorials
If you have information on Plaques and Memorials
at the church contact
John Fleurie

1937 - memory of Sapper Maurice A. MacDonald
1954 - organ dedicated to boys who served in the army
- old Bible in memory of Rev. Vanderburgh bythe Mission Circle
???? - old lectern and chair
- U/C
embroidery (church crest) in memory of Cora McKay
1961 - shovel used for official sod turning ceremony
1963 - chancel cross dedicated in memory of Mrs.Ivan McKay
communion table in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred MacDonald
1964 - plaque for the donation of the church lights by
Rev. & Mrs. Lute
1965 - pew plaques
1968 - offering plates donated and dedicated by the Mission Circle
balcony dedicated in memory of Mona (King) Gutzman
1969 - baptismal font in memory of William Wilson antepedia &
lectern donated by Rae Law Fowler in memory of Jim Law
antepedia & lectern donated by MargaretLaw Richie
1983 - 6 pictures donated in memory of theCuthberts
1984 - bible on communion table in memory of Ken Tooley
bible stand on communion table donated by Ken & Vera Zadow
candle holders on communion table donated by the Coxford family
purple communion cloth in memory of Ruth & Bill Leach
1989 - Leach window
1991 - plaque for Harry Leach's 94th. birthday
1992 - 3 chairs on the altar in memory of AlfieMcMahon
- 2
1993 - Christmas tree in memory of Kevin Watters
1995 - fire exit signs in basement donated by Keith Tennant
1997 - Voices United Hymnbooks dedicated
2003 - light on piano in memory of twin daughters of Roy & Phoebe
2004 - a/c system donated by the Orange Lodge
2005 - new hymn board donated by the Wegner family
2009 - plaque for recognition of land by the Tennantfamily
Plaque: 1) Something engraved for decoration or information
purposes; 2) A film of mucus & bacteria on teeth.
St Andrews United Church, Chalk River